Thursday, March 27, 2008

Follow a healthy diet

The best advice is a healthy balanced diet using all food groups, drink plenty of water and exercise very regularly for a diet program. Sticking with this type of diet program is not restricting in any way and gives you a huge variety of foods to choose from. Watch your fat intake and really stop and think about what you are about to put into your mouth. You know if you are eating junk or eating a healthy diet.
It’s up to you at the end of the day to educate yourself on what type of diet program is ridiculous and which are sensible and maintainable for a lifetime. The secret is exercise. Your diet program simply must include exercise if you want the best results in the shortest possible time. With so much confusing information in the market about exactly what a healthy diet is; it’s little wonder people fumble and end up so frustrated they don’t know what a healthy diet means anymore!
Here’s some basic steps to a healthy diet that you start to implement right now.
A healthy diet should be balanced and includes all food groups. This means lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, low fat dairy products and of course heaps of water!
A healthy diet should be low in saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol. Your daily fat intake should come mainly from nuts, fish, and vegetable oils. Try to keep your fat intake to 20-35% of your daily intake of calories for a healthy diet.
Eat lots of different types of fruits and vegetables for the really healthy diet. At least 2 cups of fruit and 2-3 cups of vegetables. It’s easy! Limit the number of high processed foods such as biscuits, lollies, chips etc. For a truly healthy diet…it’s everything in moderation!
Include a good variety of whole-grains each day for fibre. Keeps you clean on the inside!
A healthy diet is not hard…if you keep it in moderation. Don’t overdo any of the food groups…just mix them and make sure you drink plenty of water. For a healthy diet…watch the intake of alcohol.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Avoid injury

How to avoid injuries
Exercising is so important; yet, more important thing is to avoid injuries while exercising. Exercising is a great way to keep you fit and healthy, but there is also a risk of injury. However, if you follow some basic guidelines, and stay within your physical limits, you can ensure that you’ll have an enjoyable and safe workout.

Warm ups:
Warm ups are essential…this cannot be stressed on enough. Starting an exercise routine without warm ups can be very damaging to your body.
It is always advisable to do some relatively gentle exercise to warm up your muscles, so that they’ll be less susceptible to damage that may occur during exercises. Also, they’ll ensure that they get more flexible and limber.

Just spend a few minutes getting warmed up. About 5 to 10 minutes should do. Stretch muscles and other soft tissues. This will prepare your body for the more rigorous exercise that is going to follow, and help you go for a longer period of time without feeling tired or fatigued.

The right get-up
Fitness wear is very important. Only if you are at ease and comfortable in what you’re wearing, can you perform to your optimum potential.
The right shoes are imperative. They must be suited to the type of exercise that you are doing. When buying a pair of fitness shoes, always consult with the staff at a sports equipment store, and ask for their advice. The wrong type of shoes can lead to sprains and even long-term injury.
Clothes, too, must be comfortable, loose fitting, and, ideally, made out of a fabric that absorbs sweat, like cotton. Very tight fitting clothes can be uncomfortable, and extremely loose clothes can get in the way.
Don’t compromise when it comes to fitness wear.

Cool down
Don’t come to a sudden halt in between strenuous workouts. This causes the blood to pool in your leg veins, and can leave you feeling dizzy and faint. Give time for the lactic acid being produced by your muscles during vigorous activity to be cleared by finishing your session with a few minutes of gentle exercise.

Change and Alternate
It is a good idea if you combine strenuous activity with something that is comparatively less physically demanding. This lessens your chances of over-exerting yourself, and gives your body more time to recover from bouts of intense activity.

Stop when it starts hurting
If exercising starts to hurt, stop until the pain has completely gone away. Saying like ‘no pain, no gain’ should be ignored, since they make you push yourself beyond your physical limits…which isn’t a good thing, after all. If you experience physical discomfort and things like dizziness, faintness, nausea, shortness of breath etc, please visit your doctor right away.
Also, avoid exercising when you are unwell or sick.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Strength of Meditation

We are surrounded by negative forces like jealousy, hatred, fear, doubt, worry, despair, guilt, resentment, anger, pride hatred and anxiety. These are the dominating forces of the universe.We are constantly attacked by these negative forces day in and day out.The only medicine to fight this deadly disease is Meditation. Through Meditation we can get everlasting peace, that is what we know the "Divine Peace". To grow in light and to fulfill ourselves in light and purity we need to practice meditation regularly.

What is actual Meditation?

Meditation doesnot mean just sitting quietly for 15 to 20 minutes. It requires concentration. You have to calm and quieten your mind.It requires conscious effort. You have to free yourself from repetitive and unwanted thoughts that distract your attention. As you learn to calm your mind you feel a new creation is dawning inside of you. When your mind is vacant and tranquil your whole existence becomes an empty vessel. You will attract infinite peace, joy peace happiness. This is actual meditation.

How many ways are their to Meditate?

1. Silence your mind. Once you do that you are in a position to please and Fulfill God.
2. The Second way to meditate is to empty your heart.Human heart is full of chaos and turmoil. As you empty your heart there is a Divine peace and harmony which will fill your heart.
3. The third thing is through prayer.Prayer is nothing but a communion between Spirit and Form.If you pray from your heart all your fears, doubts, sorrow, resentment and anxiety will be eliminated and joy, peace and tranquility will fill your heart.

How to Meditate

1. First find a quiet place away from people and telephone.
2. Early morning is undoubtely the most powerful time to meditate.
3. Before you start meditating say to yourself 'I will be focused and calm'.
4. Have light music at the back ground if you like.
5. Using candles during meditation can improve your concentration.
6. Take shower or atleast wash you face before you meditate.
7. Meditate with the empty stomach.But if you feel hungry have a glass of juice or milk.
8. Aromas have been proven to be an effective means of entering a state of relaxation.
9. When you meditate keep your eyes half open.
10. When negative thoughts enter, donot force them out but simply let them pass away.

Breathing Techniques

1. Keep your spine erect while you meditate
2. You can sit on the floor or you can sit comfortably on the chair.
3. Sit very relaxed.
4. Proper breathing is very important so make yourself comfortable.
5. Take a deep breathe and hold for a few seconds and then breathe out.
6. Feel the breath is coming directly from God, so that your breathe can be easily purified.
7. Each time you breathe feel that you are bringing infinite peace and happiness into your body.
8. When you breathe out feel that all the negative thoughts anger, hatted, fear, doubt, resentment, guilt, and anxiety are being expelled.
9. Repeat this morning and evening 20 minutes every day.
10. When bad thought comes to your mind say 'Today I am at peace'. I will not allow bad thoughts to enter into me.
11. When you breathe in hold for 6 seconds and breathe out. If you are on medication please consult your doctor before you start.

The aim of meditation is to free yourself from all worries and unhappiness.All the negative thoughts attack your mind. The heart is much purer than the mind. Love, grace, mercy, peace, tranquility, affection are already there in the heart.

Before you start Meditation 'Repeat Supreme'or Heavenly Father 400 times. By doing that your concentration will improve.It is almost a waste of time if you want to purify your mind because negative thoughts are always floating on the surface. So concentrate your attention towards your heart. It is already illuminated. It has all the good qualities you desire.So everytime when you are not able to control you mind please donot feel unhappy. But focus your attention towards your heart and within few seconds you will be able to meditate without any disturbance.Heart is like a fountain full of peace, joy and love. You can sit at the base of the fountain and enjoy it. So it is better to meditate in the heart than in the mind.From your mind you get inspiration and from your heart you get aspiration.

How to Concentrate

1. Find a quiet place
2. Make a Black dot on the wall
3. Stand 20 inches away from it.
4. Concentrate on the dot.
5. Then Breathe in deep and breath out.
6. Feel that when you are breathing you breathe is actually coming from the dot and that the dot is also breathing in, getting its breathe from you.
7. Feel there are two persons. You and the dot.
8. Do it for 15 to 20 minutes every day before you start to meditate.
9. If you dont want to concentrate on the dot you can concentrate on counting your heart beat mentally.

As you practice doing it for few weeks you can concentrate better. Also when you meditate negative thoughts will slow down and you will have full control over your mind.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Obesity, No

Obesity still remains one of the commonest avoidable causes of several disease conditions. Most often than not, it is a result of the wrong habits or lifestyles.

Obesity is a case that cut across race, color and gender. Obesity has several facets, it is closely associated with several ailments, the most alarming being hypertension, diabetes and most fatal is the psychological effects it could have on its victims. Teenagers commit suicide today because of obesity.

A close relationship exists between hypertension and obesity. In fact it is believed that most hypertensive are more than 10% overweight. Fat accumulation in the trunk or abdomen is not only related to hypertension but also to diabetes and excess fat in the body. Obesity can contribute to hypertension in several ways. For one thing, obesity leads to a greater output of blood, because the heart has to pump more blood to supply the excess tissues. The increased cardiac output then can raise the blood pressure. For another thing, obese hypertensive individuals have a greater stiffness (resistance) in the peripheral arteries throughout the body. Finally, obesity may be associated with a tendency for the kidneys to retain salt in the body. Weight loss may help reverse problems related to obesity while also lowering blood pressure.

It is estimated that three quarter (¾) of all Type II diabetes patient are obese. Indolent and affluent lifestyles tend to contribute to this. It is believed that a 10kg loss of weight can reduce fasting blood sugar level by almost 50md/dl. An active lifestyle with frequent exercise is also known to increase Insulin sensitivity.

The International standard for measuring overweight and obesity is based on a value called BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). This value is derived by dividing the body weight (in Kilograms) by the square of height (in Meters).
I.e. BMI = Body weight (Kg)/Height2 (Meters). 
Note: 1ft = 0.305metres.
For adults, a BMI less than 25kg/m2 is preferred
25 – 29kg/m2 is considered overweight and above 30kg/m2 is Obesity.

Sedentary normal individuals have a higher tendency of becoming obese when compared to very active individuals. Exercise burn out unnecessary body fat, lowers blood pressure and increases the body’s use of glucose, example dynamic exercises such as brisk walking or jogging, swimming or bicycle ridding for 30 – 45mins daily or 3-5times a week may lower blood pressure by as much as 5 – 15mmHg. Normally, particularly type of exercise is started, and gradually built up to a satisfactory level over time. Regular exercise reduces blood pressure, burn out unnecessarily fat and also makes the body healthier.

Apart from the sedentary lifestyles developed by so many today, that has caused this tremendous rise in the obese population, and another problem we face today is the food we eat. There are so many fast food joints out there, that it is almost impossible to ignore them. Not even with the busy schedules you and I run nowadays. We want the fastest things we can get around. See where that has lead us.

It is quite imperative to be careful and watchful of what we eat. It’s quite easier to avoid eating the wrong set of food than to stop eating when the consequences arise.

Although, there is some bit of hereditary attached to obesity in some instances, eat the right food, live an active life and you will glad you did.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Importance of Good Nutrition

• Taking care of yourself is not as hard, time consuming, expensive, or dull as most would have you believe. In fact, once people decide to choose a healthy life, they notice more energy, increased self-confidence, more time to do things that really matter, and they spend less time in the doctor's office or hospital. Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do. Our ability to provide the body with all the necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes.

• Good nutrition can put a stop to many health problems, including becoming overweight, developing weak bones, and developing diabetes. Finding your child all the foods that have all the important nutrients will help your child grow to their complete potential.

• A child's body prospers on certain nutrients that work together to promote growth and development. There is no specific nutrient or group of nutrients that is more important to a child's well being, than these five nutrients I am about to mention to you right.

• Never attempt to assess your state of hydration by the level of your thirst. Once thirsty it is often too late. Always plan your fluid intake beforehand. The amount of fluid needed to restore your fluid levels could vary from 500ml to 3l, depending on the amount of sweat lost during a session, and whether you replaced fluid during the exercise itself. It is often necessary to need between 4-24 hours to replace and rebalance your body fluid losses effectively.

• Proper nutrition means getting both enough calories and the proper nutrients. Many people in this country eat more calories than the body needs. This can lead to obesity, which is a risk factor for many diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It is important to remember that, although an overweight person may be getting more calories than needed, he or she may not be getting all of the necessary nutrients.

• Eating a daily diet that includes adequate amounts of bread, cereal, grain, rice, pasta, vegetables, and fruit, and limits high fat foods, can promote health and reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases. You can help the people who use your pantry or meal program to be healthier by providing nutritious foods.

• The foods you eat provide the energy your body needs to function. Just like you need to put fuel in your car or recharge your cell phone battery, your body needs to be fed energy-providing foods every day. The main form of energy for your body is carbohydrate.

• In order to have that awesome bodybuilding physique; you need to feed your body the proper fuel. As a bodybuilder, your goal is to be in the best physical form possible, one that connotes health, fitness, and strength. In order to reach that level, though, you'll need to focus on your food consumption and make sound nutritional choices that will not only enhance your physique but also improve your health.